Delta Plus

Suchmotor Chemieschutzhandschuhe

Before any product search, ask yourself a few questions. These will guide you in choosing a Delta Plus protective overall against chemical risks:
• The nature and characteristics of the products handled. (Liquid or solid chemical agents, infectious agents)
• The nature of the contact with the chemicals (splashes, dust, mists, jets)
• Factors likely to degrade the suit (associated mechanical, electrical, thermal risk, etc.)
• The individual characteristics of the operator (size, build, allergies to certain substances?)
Once this analysis is done, you are all set to use the search engine.


1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT115 DT115 Microporous laminated <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT115CV DT115CV Microporous laminated <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT117 DT117 DELTATEK 5000 <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT119 DT119 DELTATEK 5000 <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT125 DT125 DELTATEK 5000 <5% 2/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT215 DT215 SMS <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT215CV DT215CV SMS <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT216 DT216 SMS <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT221 DT221 DELTATEK 6000 <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT223 DT223 DELTATEK 6000 <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 Not tested Not tested
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT250 DT250 PE/PP <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 6 >480
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT300 DELTACHEM DT300 DELTACHEM <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 6 >480
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT302 DELTACHEM DT302 DELTACHEM <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 6 >480
1310-73-2 Sodium Hydroxide 50% K DT300 DELTACHEM DT300 DELTACHEM Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested 6 >480
1310-73-2 10 % Sodium Hydroxide K DT301 DELTACHEM DT301 DELTACHEM <1% 3/3 >90% 3/3 6 >480
1310-73-2 Sodium Hydroxide 50% K DT302 DELTACHEM DT302 DELTACHEM Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested 6 >480
1310-73-2 Sodium Hydroxide 50% K DT301 DELTACHEM DT301 DELTACHEM Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested 6 >480
EN13034 6 Against splashes
EN ISO 13982-1 5 Against dust (asbestos)
EN14605 4 Against mists
EN14605 3 Against sprays


Applications Risks Level of protection Product
Work/Maintenance Fouling Category I /
Industrial cleaning Accidental exposure to spray of chemical substances (splashes or dry particules) Type 6
Type 5

Type 4

DT119 DT250
Removal or encapsulation asbestos work Exposure to dust Asbestos fibers Type 5 with waterproof bands DT216
Work in environments with explosive risks Handling of products that can generate static electricity Type 6
Type 5
EN ISO 14116
EN 1149-5
Agriculture and horticulture (Handling of fertilizers…) Contact with sprayed liquids Type 4 DT119
Agriculture and horticulture (Handling of herbicides / pesticides / fungicides) Contact with weakly concentrated phytosanitary sprays Type 4
EN ISO 27065
Paint spraying (Solvents / Preparation / Mixing) Application of chemicals with spray gun
> low pressure (Type 6)
> high pressure (Type 4)
Type 6

Type 4

Industrial cleaning of dangerous products Risk of chemical splashes with continuous jet Type 3 DT300
Laboratories / Chemical Industries Risk of chemical splashes with continuous jet Type 3 DT300
Emergency / Rescue Personnel Bacteriological contamination Type 4-B

Type 3-B




Warning: The data in this search engine is based on results of laboratory tests. These tests were performed using standard test methods, which may not correspond to conditions of use on site. As Delta Plus has no knowledge or control of the actual conditions of use of its products, these recommendations are given only as an indication and cannot engage its responsibility.